Little Brother by Cory Doctorow is on the NYT Bestseller list! The good guys win.
Category: Books
Auctioning off Jhegaala bound galley
So, after I was convinced that reviewers putting bound galleys up for sale wasn’t the dastardly act I’d thought it was (thanks, Patrick), the next obvious step was to do it myself. The ebay auction can be found here.
Little Brother by Cory Doctorow
It’s a YA about techno-geek kids saving the world. Afterword by Bruce Schneier. It will be out from Tor in less than a fortnight. Buy it, read it, love it.
“In his lifetime, he suffered from unreality, as do so many Englishmen; once dead, he is not even the ghost he was then.” — Jorge Luis Vorges, “Tlön,Uqbar, Orbis Tercius”
Can someone please tell me what this means?
My Own Kind of Freedom — *Spoilers*
Here there be spoilers. Be warned.