
Today I was at a Borders looking for Poker Pro magazine (on account of I’m in it, how cool is that?).  While there, I, as usual, checked the sf section to see how well represented I was.  I skimmed past the row Jim Butcher, found the row of Lois Bujold, and there I was.  Two books.

Two lousy books.

Sad.  Miserable.  Depressed.  I moped out of the store to my car, then stopped.

Two books?  I have two books at Borders?

How many people do I know who would give their right cliche to have two books at Borders?

Man.  I have BOOKS.  In a BOOKSTORE.   And there was my car, that I bought with money I got for WRITING BOOKS.

I drove home feeling much better.

Tiassa Update

It’s been pointed out to me that I’ve been slacking off on giving progress reports.

Tiassa is being difficult.  Between conversations with Reesa and with Neil, I’ve been convinced to try something a bit challenging.  I think it’s going to be really cool if it works, but at the moment I’m beating my head against it about halfway through.  Judging by past experience, I imagine in a week or so things will fall into place and I’ll be moving forward.

Dark fantasy recommendations, please

A friend just asked me to recommend some dark fantasy, and I realized that, with the exception of anything by Tim Powers, I don’t know much about it.  You can argue about what “Dark Fantasy” means, if you wish*, but also throw in some reading suggestions.  Thanks!

*One friend recently explained, “If I like it, it’s dark fantasy, if I don’t like it, it’s horror.”