There’s this billboard in Minneapolis; at least two of them, in fact. They are advertising an insurance company–a place were you pay money so you can be a little less worried if you get sick, or have a car accident, or a burglary, or you die or something. The billboard shows a sandwich of some kind, with cheese oozing out. And it says, “Oozing with Discounts.”
So, yeah, there you have it. You are driving along, and you go, “Ah! Yeah, I want to be protected by the company that oozes!”
But here’s what I can’t get out of my head.
Somewhere, probably in New York, some guy in a cubicle went, “Ah HA! Ooozing! That’s what I’ll go with! The client will like that!”
Then he went to his manager, who said, “Oh, good one, Whitcomb! Yes, the client will really like associating his company with the idea of oozing!”
Then they went to the client representative, who said, “Oh, smashing work, fellows! Yes, I can see it now, all over America. We will be the oozing insurance company!”
Then it went to the art department, where they created an oozing visual to go with the oozing words.
And then the company approved it all. They said, “Ah HA! This will get us our market share! We will be locked in with everyone who wants car insurance that makes one think of oozing fluids! Go us!”
And that’s how it happened. It boggles the mind.