I’ve done my work for the day,
I’ve twittered random shit.
I’ve whined about immigration;
And I’m sure I displayed my wit.
I’ve drunk my supper, watched some porn,
And even fed the dog.
Now it’s time to be an idiot on John Scalzi’s blog.
He’s the president of SFWA
His comment strings are long.
Lots of people pay attention,
He wouldn’t dare delete my words,
Or the comment chain I’ll clog.
So I’m free to be an idiot on John Scalzi’s blog.
He calls his blog “Whatever”
And that’s just what you’ll see:
Whatever I must do
To get him to look at me.
In the atmosphere of discourse
I will be the smog.
I’ll be the biggest idiot on John Scalzi’s blog.
It isn’t that I hate him
Or that I like to fight
It’s just my means of self-expression
Now that I’m banned from Making Light.
When they call me assbag, troll, and jerk
I’ll jump up and down, agog,
Because it proves I am an idiot on John Scalzi’s blog.
I suppose I could go get a life,
Or read a book or three,
And maybe listen to some of those
With whom I disagree.
But it seems like so much effort,
Whereas falling off a log
Is hard compared to spreading crap on John Scalzi’s blog.