21 thoughts on “Monday’s Cat”

  1. It’s said that housecats infect their owners with a brain virus. Given the number of popular songs from the past half-century that have gained Missy-specific lyrics in the last three years, I can only accept that this is true.

    Also, bravo!

  2. If there were 17 days in the week, would that be the start of a poem about the Great Feline Cycle?

  3. I don’t believe you really live with a cat – there is no day devoted to hairballs or punitive upchucking.

  4. Bravo! Mine likes my lap, of course, and when I’m at the computer she’s usually lying across one or both of my forearms.

  5. Sleepy cat sinks into a nap,
    Haughty cat yearns to slap.
    Angry cat growls and lashes tail,
    Drowsing cat dreams and plots with eyes in veil.
    Mountain cat looks down from lofty height,
    Jungle cat stalks and blends with night.
    Sleeping cat strikes from belly touch,
    Aloof cat doesn’t care as such.
    Startled cat rends and then licks fur,
    Sleeping cat signals with its purr.
    Affronted cat won’t forget,
    Sly cat weaves his net.
    Ambush cat crouches and strikes, unseen,
    Hungry cat circles, hard and lean.
    Frightened cats hides under couch,
    Sleeping cat shifts as humans slouch.
    Warm cat cloaks in fur quite dry,
    Aroused cat opens just one eye.

  6. @ Steve – Glad someone did it. All I had was “Naughty tomcat yearns to spray” for line 2.

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