
Yes, it’s a Spinathon!  What, you ask, is a Spinathon?  I have no idea, but we’re having one.

Okay, okay.  In order to raise some money for medical expenses (Reesa, if you recall, just had a radical mastectomy, which is major surgery, which they charge money for),  volunteers are going to be spinning yarn (or knitting) for as long a time as they can get sponsored, up to at least 48 hours.  We have 23.5 hours covered so far.  This is going to happen this coming weekend (May 1-2) here in Austin (well, technically Paige,TX and Round Rock).   As extra incentive, if we raise enough sponsorships to cover the second day of SpinAThon (that’s Sunday, May 2 in Round Rock TX for you local folk), I’m going to be showing up to the event for several hours and maybe doing some tunes and signing some books and pretending to be a celebrity. Reesa will also be on-site for part of both days if you’d like to meet and chat with the person who inspired the event.

If this sounds like something you want to get involved in, follow the links below:

To skip the rest and go directly to the donate button, click here for the main SpinAThon page and then click the handy donate button, found just above the letters from friends.. (We tried to link to the button directly but the link expires after a certain amount of time.)

A link to the SpinAThon main page, as well as the FAQ page.

Reesa wrote a post compiling several links and information about SpinAThon that might be useful.

Only a few more days available for you to help out with SpinAThon! We also have an auction scheduled for after SpinAThon that will be putting up for bid the yarn and knit things made during the event, as well as other donated unique pieces from artists.

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Site administrative account, so probably Corwin, Felix or DD-B.

0 thoughts on “Spinathon!”

  1. please put in a disclaimer that none of the donations will fund gambling since you’ve been less than forward about that possibility in the past.

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