What I’m Reading

There was a suggestion for a “What I’m Reading” section.  I’ll start it as a topic, and we can decide if it’s interesting enough to maintain as a permanent feature.

So, I just finished Bruce Catton’s Grant Takes Command, the sequel to his Grant Moves South which I read last week.  I’m now considering whether to reread O’Brian’s Master and Commander next; still haven’t quite made up my mind.




E-books of the Vlad novels

Because so many people have been asking, here is what I know about e-books of the Vlad novels: the ones published by Tor are out in various formats and ought to be easy to find.  The ones published by Ace/Berkely are not, because my contracts have ambiguous wording that makes it unclear if I have the right to sell those, or if someone else has the right to publish them.  I am checking into this now (or, rather, my agent is).  I hope to know more soon.


Statement on Fanfic

This was copied directly from Cecelia Tan’s site, and used with her permission.

I, Steven Brust, tell stories and publish my works because I want to spur the imaginations of my readers. I view non-commercial fanworks as a natural extension of that inspiration. The only thing I can’t support is anything that would damage my livelihood or reputation, hence keep the stuff non-commercial and label it as non-commercial fanfiction when disseminating/posting it. If you break any local laws where you are to either read my works or write about them, please don’t tell me. I may or may not read or comment on fanworks out there. Sometimes my time is limited, sometimes a comment would turn out to be a spoiler for another reader, and so on, but don’t mistake my silence for ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’ I support the creation of non-commercial fanworks and fanfiction as a valid fannish activity, right up there with costumingfilking, and text-based play-by-post role playing.

Note: Corwin and Felix, when we get around to updating my home page, please put the above on it with a link like, “Policy on Fanfic”