Another delightful day at Convolution in San Francisco. It started with a friend (James) buying us breakfast, always appreciated; then got better. Hung out with James and Cat and Chris and Trish a lot, talking about Books & Shit. Did a panel series novels, then one on story telling. The story telling panel was especially good. And we came up with an idea to control the thing that most annoys me on panels:
Appoint an official timekeeper. The job of the timekeeper is to burst out with the current time of day any time a panelist says, “Well, in my book…” Yeah, I know; I’m old and crotchety. Deal with it.
Did a hot tub reading (like in the old days at Minicon), but, alas, hardly anyone showed up. Then, much later, did a reading of Paarfirotica in my room–Chris doing the dramatic reading. Poor James isn’t a Paarfi fan. We watched him writhe in agony. We’d have felt bad for him if we could have stopped laughing at him long enough.
Interestingly, this doesn’t feel at all like a first-year convention. The organization is solid, and things flow nicely. Later, I’m hoping to meet Peter Beagle. Having a blast. Wish you were here.