I’m talking about this post. And, yeah, my blog post makes no pretense of being organized or coming to any conclusion.
1. I think I need a new category tag that goes, “I’m not a feminist, but…”
2. Just because a bunch of people all get upset about something, doesn’t necessarily mean they’re wrong.
3. In his post, giving examples of pure SF writers, he starts with this: “Issac Asimov, Theodore Sturgeon, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert A. Heinlein to name but four…” Um, excuse me. Theodore Sturgeon? Is there a different Theodore Sturgeon than the one who put human love and sexuality at the center of more stories than I’ll live to write? Because surely he can’t mean that Theodore Sturgeon as an example of writers who avoided romance. Am I missing something?
4. I DO agree with him about false advertising, however. I mean, when I pick up a book that claims to be well written, and, in fact, it turns out to suck galactic moose, I get really annoyed.
5. Book of the New Sun, fantasy or science fiction: Apparently it’s fantasy, on account of the failure of the Earth to wobble properly. Well, glad we’ve got that settled. Let’s not talk about Doc Smith, all right? Next up will be Lord of Light.
6. I really am uncomfortable when I find myself on the same side as so many people I so vehemently disagree with on so many issues. It’s like when I say something on a panel and the audience applauds–it makes me think I’m taking the easy way out. I don’t have a pathological need to be in a minority, but not being in the minority makes me twitchy, and I have to wonder if I’m letting myself fall into groupthink. But then I remind myself that I agree with Republicans on some things–like a passionate hatred for Roosevelt (in my case, because he saved Capitalism), so I guess it’s all right. And, you know, see point 2 above.
7. What kicks it over the edge for me is the phrase, ” the attention to detail that only women would find attractive: balls, courts, military dress, palace intrigues, gossiping, and whispering in the corridors.” There is something so utterly, well, EWWWWW about that, that as an admirer of Bujold, I am just unable to not say something. So I’m saying something. Here’s what I’m saying: EWWWWWWW.
Okay, that’s all for now. More later on how women are ruining science fiction.