Never during my lifetime has the question “But what can I do?” been so fraught, and resulted in so much disorientation. Not long ago, some people were passing around a petition suggesting we boycott “Zionist” authors (in fact, many were Jewish but had no connection to Zionism) in response to the ongoing genocide in Palestine. This is the kind of empty gesture (or worse) that comes from simultaneous rage at injustice and feelings of personal helplessness. “All I am is a consumer, so I will use that ‘power’ to make things better.”
Recently, during a dispute over the then-upcoming election with a beloved family member, I was berated for “doing nothing except making Facebook posts and tweets” as opposed to doing something ‘meaningful’ like casting a vote for war, genocide, Wall Street, and surrendering to fascists. I wasn’t angry or hurt or upset, but I let the matter drop, because continuing wouldn’t have made the visit any more pleasant. It is, however, a point worth discussing, because it ties into the same question: the role of the individual at this time of social crisis.
I have learned that several people have become supporters of the Socialist Equality Party, and at least one person has become a member, as a result of interest generated by my Facebook posts and tweets. This has done more to move us toward a solution to humanity’s problems and ten million votes for a capitalist party.
My point is neither to brag, nor to justify myself. My point is that in this period, the most constructive thing an individual can do is learn, study, and *explain*. Every day, more people are feeling justified outrage, and looking for solutions. I firmly believe building a dedicated, revolutionary leadership in the working class, one that will carry us toward ending this barbarous system, is the only possible way forward.
We are not helpless. We are not relegated to the role of “consumers” whose only power is to engage in stupid and usually reactionary attempts to fix things by what we do and do not purchase. We have brains, we can learn, and as we learn, we can explain to others, and take steps toward the creation of genuine alternative to genocide, war, fascism, and the destruction of our planet.
Not all of us can make the same level of commitment. But anyone who cares enough can make a contribution, whether by becoming a member of the Socialist Equality Party, or giving financial support, or even by discussions that might bring someone else closer. Every individual who comes to see the need and possibility of a socialist answer to capitalist barbarism is a gain. Every individual who begins to understand how to get from here to there, that is, of the importance of building a revolutionary socialist leadership in the working class, moves us closer to creating a rational, humane world.
For those outraged by injustice, or, indeed, directly threatened by it: Read the World Socialist Web Site. Study, learn, and, in the words of Lenin, “Patiently explain.”