“He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened. He who knows how to keep a Dodge pickup running ain’t never gonna be out of a job.”
— Billy-Bob Gautama
“He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened. He who knows how to keep a Dodge pickup running ain’t never gonna be out of a job.”
— Billy-Bob Gautama
“Consider the trees which allow the birds to perch and fly away without either inviting them to stay or desiring them never to depart. If your heart can be like this, you will be near to the way. If that don’t work, you can always shoot the little varmints and make ’em into blackbird pie. Good eatin’.”
— Billy-Bob Gautama
“We shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that holds whatever we want.” — Lao Tzu
“Hogwash. If there’s emptiness inside, then it ain’t holdin’ nothin’.” — Billy-Bob Gautama.
“A snow flake never falls in the wrong place. That’s the main difference between snow flakes and bird shit.”
— Billy-Bob Gautama
One day Preacher Higgens went to see Billy-Bob Gautama. He said, “Goat, I don’t mind you being a Buddhist and all, but I can’t help but wish you were a Christian Buddhist.” “Why, Preacher, that’s just what I am,” said Billy-Bob. “I got a ‘Support our Troops’ bumper sticker, I don’t want Darwin taught in schools, I think women ought to stay home and make babies, and I spend most of my day tellin’ other folk how they ought to live. Now, if that don’t make me a Christian, what does?” Thus Preacher Higgens was Enlightened.