Before Enlightenment: change the oil and rotate the tires. After Enlightenment: change the oil and rotate the tires.
— Billy-Bob Gautama
Before Enlightenment: change the oil and rotate the tires. After Enlightenment: change the oil and rotate the tires.
— Billy-Bob Gautama
My favorite one yet.
This is all part of Steve’s new Redneck Renaissance series. The main character, Billy Bob, will wander the vast Texan land exploring its strange beauty and unbeauty. His advanced state of enlightenment (where he is either transcendent, oblivious or both) will highlight the essence of each unique and insipid character he meets in humorous and poignant vignettes of his journey. He will have to deal with the loss of his enlightenment but eventually will become one with himself, which is where he began.
Oh, nuts. Now you gave away the whole plot.
hee hee
“This is all part of Steve’s new Redneck Renaissance series. The main character, Billy Bob, will wander…”
I SO hope this is for real! If you don’t do this, Steve, you could go back to your idea about a half-Chinese kung fu master wandering the Old West and getting beat up by everybody he meets… until that fateful day he meets an old drunk in a bar who instructs him how to deliver a proper haymaker, hit people over the head with chairs and so on. He achieves Enlightenment, of course. And from then on, he wins all his barroom brawls.
I like ‘horse sense’ and horsing around in general.