I just finished watching season 3 of Boardwalk Empire. I rather liked the first two seasons. It’s an era that interests me, I’ve always liked Steve Buscemi, and the writing seemed fairly intelligent.
I don’t know what happened this season. All of a sudden, you start having an absurd body count. And not just in the number of bodies, but they keep pulling the trick where character A appears to decide not to kill character B, then suddenly does. You can only get away with that a couple of times before the viewer starts rolling his eyes and going, “Do the writers expect me to fall for that again?” And you can only produce so many bodies before you get “The Dark Knight” effect of, “Oh, a fight. Am I supposed to care what happens?”
Perhaps its Scorsese’s influence, I don’t know. But, whatever, it was disappointing. Violence needs to matter. When there’s too much of it, it stops mattering. When it stops mattering, it’s worse than morally questionable, it’s boring.