Just random stuff that has, is, and will be happening. Let’s see. I now have health care. I have surgery scheduled for August 22nd to install a defibrillator in my chest which ought to help keep me alive and will make me a Cyborg. I now have a “partial denture,” which means that I can bite into things again, and great is my glee. I’m still working on Hawk, albeit slowly. I’m also working on an Incrementalist short story that my critique group savaged. (Well, that’s not fair. They didn’t savage it; they just said it didn’t work as is, and pointed to some ways to make it work. That sort of thing would annoy me if they weren’t right).
Yesterday, helped give my friend John Sjogren the best. birthday. present. ever.
I have a full physical–the first one in years–scheduled for July 23rd. I’ll be heading to Armadillocon at the end of the month. Then back for August and some of September, then I’m planning an East Coast road trip culminating in Viable Paradise in early October. Then I’ll be heading to MileHighCon in Denver.
I would love to have a first draft of Hawk finished by the time I leave for the East Coast, but it seems doubtful with how slow the damn thing feels like going. On the other hand, that’s because the plot insisted on getting all twisty on me. I kind of like it when a book does that–I think the last one that turned on me like that was Orca, and I was pleased with how it came out.
YAY! He’s coming back to Denver!
You have to listen ’til the end of the video to learn that the fabulous gift is HANDMADE. *ZMG* Absolutely fantastic.
PS: be ready for the aftercare/healing phase after they cyborg you. You’ll have 2 months of limited motion on your left side, and you’re going to want a headset for your cell phone, because it may not work right after.
Oh man, Orca’s one of my absolute favorites, so this bodes well for Hawk.
Such a cool chair!
That’s a damn fine gift.
Good luck with the surgery, and congrats on having health care!
Congrats on your impending cyberization!
Captain Sjogren is the only other cadet to beat the Kobiyashi Maru simulation. He did it by pouring Jameson’s into the control panel.
Just saw the chair you gave him. That is true bro love. I don’t think I will be able to concentrate at work now.
Glad to hear the good news, Steve! Health care is always A Good Thing, and now you’re turning part borg. Impressive. Most impressive.
Valerie and I won’t be at Armadillocon, sad to say, but I know you’ll enjoy it. We’re getting ready for a Steampunk Ball up in Dallas in September (Steam Powered Giraffe is one of the featured bands), followed by FenCon IX the following weekend.
Keep writing and strumming, my friend.
East Coast – We are in DC area and you are welcome to stay here if your east coast brings you anywhere near here (though smoking is on patio only) or if just passing thru we will buy you dinner.
If you find yourself in Raleigh, NC area while on the East Coast, I will happily take you to dinner. Some nice places around here, fancy or not so fancy. Just drop an email at eqrogue @ hot mail dot com
Steve, that’s all good news. That is an awesome chair.
I love it when authors refer to their books, or their characters, as living beings. Good things usually become of it.
I may as well jump on the bandwagon and offer RPG group and food services if you are ever in the Portland Oregon area. I have a friend who is also a fan of yours and has become quite the quality GM over the past ~20 years of gaming. Also, every time I go to his house, he has something amazing to eat. A visit from you would also be a good reason to brew some klava, which he is fond of, but which I have never been around when he has it available.
Good luck with the surgery!
Good luck from Denmark!
Nice present :D
Can´t wait for the book to come out…
John has the coolest friends, ever.
Star Straf beat me to it, but we’re also in the DC area – I can’t offer a bed, but I’ll split the check with Star if we all go out to dinner! ;-)
Good luck with the surgery. I have an implanted pacemaker, so partly cyborg too. Orca was one of my favorites too. But it was really the last scene; the unmasking of Keira, that I have read over and over. Although the scene with Timmer was worth the price of admission.
And finally, although not on topic, I have to share this. I was visiting my son in Arlington, MA and a few blocks from his house, I came on a bumper sticker:
“Everyone generalizes from one example. At least I do.” Issola, chp. 14, pg. 211
That’s a lot of stuff. Good luck with it all.
Best wishes for the upcoming surgery, and, of course, for Hawk.
I’m not sure if anyone’s asked you lately, but… do you know if/when the earlier Vlad books will be made available on Kindle?
No matter how frequently I check, they never seem to turn up, and I’m dying to reread those earlier works… :)
Thanks — for everything!
Big Mike @ 18: That bumper sticker was designed a few years back by someone on the Dragaera list. We voted for which quote we wanted on a sticker, and that one beat ’em out. I have one on my car as well. (And a few hanging around somewhere in a box, now that I think of it.)
Steve – Happy news! And that is an awesome chair. :)
Still hoping you can make it out to Convolution in November! You’re missed! :)
Reed: I know they’re coming out as ebooks; not sure of the format(s).
Good luck with your surgery and recovery. I’ve been a fan of yours for many, many years… in fact, I once wrote you a letter asking if “The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars” might come back in print. I was so thrilled that you actually wrote back. (The letter, alas, perished in the waters of Hurricane Katrina, although in a weird quirk of fate, I discovered the envelope among my novel notes that were safely evacuated. Life is odd that way.) Anyhow… I hope everything goes well for you and I look forward to reading more of your novels in future. Best wishes always.
I hope the surgery goes well, and the recovery is short! I really enjoy your books and your journal entries – you bring me lots of smiles! So I send you hugs and positive thoughts and happy, warm feelings in return.
Best wishes on a speedy recovery from surgery! My mom actually had a pacemaker implanted last year–after suffering with an untreated A-V block for years and years–and it’s been a big turnaround for her. Here’s hoping the same will be true for you.
And of course, since I’m here, let me take a moment to tell you how much joy I get out of reading your books :) If your trip to the East Coast takes you to any Boston-area cons, let us know!
(I was not the person in Arlington, MA with the bumper sticker, but I kinda wish I was now…)
Many thanks for the kind words, Lise.
Best wishes, and a speedy recovery!
I re-read the Vlad books with delight every time–so forgive me if I also quite SELFISHLY want you to recover swiftly and well so that I can have MORE OF THEM.
There’s still space on my bookshelf. This is wrong.
Man, I had a major heart attack two years ago and it was futuristically easy – a guy ran a wire up my leg, pulled out the plug, stuck in a stent, and they sent me home because they needed the bed for sick people. We have lived long enough for some of those things we read about to come true. You should cruise right through this with only minor effects.
Good luck. Get better. And don’t do it again.
Good luck on your surgery tomorrow. My thoughts will be with you. Having had my first two surgeries this past year, well, they hurt.
I just introduced a friend to your books, and had to take her back to the bookstore after she pounded through Jhereg-Orca in less than a month.
Surgery went well. I’m in very little pain, and everything seems fine. They implanted the IED, um, ICD (defibrillator), but, no matter how much pleading I did, they wouldn’t add lasers or a gamma radiation emitter. Oh, well.
Take care of yourself. I started with you way back when Jhereg came out. Yes, it was a fantasy novel with the word “receptionist” in it, but what the heck I liked it. Have purchased and read the entire Vlad series so far and want you around long enough to finish it. Get well!